Yoga & Meditation Retreat in Auckland I Pure Yoga
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Auckland Yoga Meditation

Meditation for modern minds 

Mondays Evenings, 15 July - 16 Sept, 10 Wk Block

6.15 - 7.15 pm, 

Live on Zoom & Pure Yoga Home Studio

$227 or $25 Casual Class

Yoga Nidra followed by seated meditation practices

Meditation in auckland

Designed for all levels of practitioner this weekly course takes you on a progressive journey inwards building the essential skills of meditation. Even if you are a seasoned sitter or a complete newbie everyone can benefit from more time in a space of calm.

The class begins with deep relaxation through the practice of Yoga Nidra.  This not only sets you up well for sitting for  meditation but instils the essential skills that will carry you further.  Seated practices are guided using the mediums of the breath & mantra or the mind itself as the object of inner focus. There are guided audios to support your continuation of the practices at home and workshops and events to tap into to expand further.




Mantra Meditation


Week One

Grounding - sensing, body awareness & stillness


Week Two

Letting go - The role of relaxation in meditation


Week Three

Pratyahara - Tools in the inner world


Week Four

The skill of the witness - observation & attention


Week Five

Reducing mental impressions through the witness


Week Six

Using a mala in meditation - bring yours to practice



Pure Yoga Home Studio

23 Gilberd Place

Torbay, Auckland

Tel: +64 21 055 4642

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