silent Sadhana retreat
May 15 - 18 (Thursday 4 pm - Sunday 4pm)
7 am - 7.30/8 pm
Vaughan Retreat Centre, Long Bay, Auckland.
​Led by International Meditation Retreat Leader Swami Anandakumar Saraswati
meditation silent sadhana retreat
Welcome to our upcoming mid winter silent Meditation Retreat.
Immerse yourself in a powerful container designed to guide you inwards and dive deeper into the art of meditation.
Led by Swami Anandakumar, an esteemed international retreat leader with decades of experiential knowledge and wisdom in meditation, this retreat promises to be a profound and enriching experience. Swami Anandakumar's warmth, clarity and sense of humour coupled with his extensive travels sharing the gift of yogic wisdom, makes him a trusted transmitter of the depth of Meditation & Yoga.
During this retreat, Swami Anandakumar will skilfully reveal the intricacies of the meditative process, enabling you to map a clear pathway to navigate your inner world with confidence and clarity. Each session will offer valuable insights and practical techniques to deepen your meditation practice and cultivate home practice commitment.
In addition to the transformative meditation sessions, you'll have the opportunity to recharge with Yoga Nidra and Mantra chanting sessions.
Nourish your body and soul with wholesome, seasonal vegetarian meals ensuring your holistic well-being is nurtured in the winter season.
Places for this retreat are limited to 20, so be sure to secure your spot quickly to avoid missing out.
Prices are inclusive of accommodation & catering.
​​Joined Sannyasi Pragyadhara & assisted by Kate Martin.
We look forward to connecting with you soon.
Aum shanti Swami Anandakumar & Sannyasi Pragyadhara

Energise with Morning Yoga Classes

Vegetarian Catering
Plant based goodness

Mantra Chanting Capsule
Yoga Nidra
Satsang & kirtan
Long Bay Beach - Okura Reserve
meditation schedule
​Day one - thursday
2pm - Check in/Rest/Beach Walk at Long Bay
4 pm - Orientation
6.30 - 7.30 pm Dinner
8 pm - Evening Session - Yoga Nidra
​Days two - four​
Morning Hatha Classes - Sannyasi Pragyadhara
Meditation Session - Swami Anandakumar
Mantra chanting & Yoga Nidra
Lunch & Break
Meditation Sessions
Evening Program (Satsang/kirtan/swadhyaya - self study)
Silence will be observed during the breaks and in the evenings to deepen the experience of meditation and to experience the benefits of holding silence.

View fromVaughan Retreat Centre, Long Bay, Auckland
Are the classes suitable for Beginners?Yes, Pure Yoga offers local and online beginner yoga courses for those new to Yoga. Courses focus on building foundational skills in alignment and conscious breathing. Courses are designed for newcomers over a series of weeks which allows for individual attention and practices that build confidence, flexibility, mobility and strength. These courses will set you up to progress further into the Hatha system and to be able to continue at home if that is your goal. For entry level students the Restorative yoga and Yoga Nidra courses are the best fit.
What is included in the Yoga Classes?Each class is holistic in nature including physical postures (Asana), guided breathing (Pranayama) & Meditation components. Pure Yoga is passionate about supporting people to integrate Yoga into daily life so shares tips and resources to help you build sustainable tools.
Does Pure Yoga offer Teachers Training?Yes, Pure Yoga has been training teachers for the last 10 years in the classical based Hatha, Raja, Mantra, Bhakti Yoga systems, mentoring students and is currently the Program Advisor for Kawai Purapura Yoga School (RYS), 200 Hr & 500 Hr Programs.
Do you run Yoga classes outside of Auckland?Yes, Pure Yoga travels to locations around NZ bringing speciality workshops, masterclasses & yogic lifestyle events to communities, Yoga studios & corporate settings.
What type of meditation do you teach?Pure Yoga is grounded in years of meditation practice and training in the classical forms of meditation that are aimed at building the specific skills of meditation and extending these into everyday life so that transformation occurs in a gradual yet lasting way. The techniques include both dynamic and static forms of meditation that prepare the body and mind for inner work. Specific techniques that help to embody relaxation, stillness, witnessing the mind, utilizing breath and energy include; Yoga Nidra, Body stillness, Steady Gazing (Trataka), Inner silence (Antar Mouna). How to use a mala for meditation and gaining a clear understanding of different energy systems and its influence on mental patterns (Vrittis, Samskaras).
What format does the meditation class take?The classes begin & end with centering in the present moment. Yoga Nidra a deep relaxation practice and one that embeds the essential skills of meditation is used to release tension. A seated meditation practice follows which builds and hones awareness from the gross (body) to more subtle layers of your being (mind, prana & subtle bodies).
What aspects of Meditation are included?The essential skills of meditation are highlighted in these courses, working to build up from simple to more complex. These skills are broken down each week and linked with lifestyle integration. The techniques are the building blocks of these skills and vary from Yoga Nidra to body based meditation. Some techniques include breath & energy as the main focus. More advanced practices work more directly with the mind & psychic bodies.
Where is your studio located?Pure Yoga Home studio is located in Torbay, Long Bay on the North Shore of Auckland. It is a fully equipped studio space next to the ocean with high quality Manduka Yoga Mats, custom hand-made bolsters, blankets & meditation cushions. Pure Yoga strives to source eco friendly, natural based products and support local businesses.
Do you offer one to one yoga guidance?Yes, Pure Yoga has experience working with clients with health challenges, psycho-somatic based imbalances, anxiety, depression, common injuries, beginners through to advanced practitioners. I have trained Yoga teachers since 2009. I combine my vast yogic knowledge and experience plus 20 years of dedicated practice and yogic living to create a session that works for you.