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The Natural Way to Manage Allergies: Nasal cleansing for Holistic Health.

The Season of Sneezin is upon us!

Are you one of those people that dread the onset of spring? As the veil of winter shifts do you find yourself flustered by a constantly itchy and runny nose, bouts of sneezing, red and puffy eyes?

The dreaded allergy season is here again.

Airborne pollen from grass is particularly lightweight and can blow a long way. New Zealand’s windy climate combined with large areas covered in grass, means even those living in urban areas can still be exposed to grass pollen. But its not all tissues and tantrums!

Natural way to relieve allergies
Reduce symptoms of allergies

There is a natural, easy way to manage & relieve these symptoms plus enjoy other benefits that the practice of nasal cleansing brings. This practice forms part of the cleansing practices of the Hatha Yoga system. A system that reaches far beyond the physical postures towards a holistic lifestyle.

The practice of Nasal cleansing (Neti) can bring instant relief to symptoms of allergies but not only this it has a range of wide reaching benefits that can be discovered with regular practice.

Apart from it bringing relief from congested airways, it can be used regularly for optimising nasal breathing, inducing autonomic balance as well as relieving tension headaches and lethargy.

I’ve been doing this practice for years and continue to use it 3 - 4 times a week to keep the nasal passages clear and clean. It refreshes my brain in the morning (by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system), helps manage exposure to dust & irritants and has been a saviour when it comes to clearing excess mucous. Its one of the most important yoga routines I have cemented in my life.

How the practice is done:

The practice is done using warm saline water. The water passes from one nostril and out the other through the opening in the sinus cavities. As the water moves it creates gentle friction on the mucus membrane of the nasal cavity. All the sinuses and structures in the nose are given a soothing bath and are thoroughly cleaned. At the same time the nerves including cranial nerves and blood vessels are stimulated.

A small pot with a long spout (lota) is used to pour water into the nose. It is generally made of brass, though any other suitable material can be used which does not contaminate the nose and body.

Nasal pot and tilting the head in nasal cleansing
Using a nasal cleansing pot

Remember this practice note, that, one teaspoonful of salt is used per half a litre of water to make the solution isotonic. This prevents water being absorbed into the nasal blood vessels and prevents irritation of the sensitive nasal membranes. The head is tilted to allow the water to flow through the nasal cavity and out through the right nostril. The spout of the lota is then inserted in the right nostril and the procedure repeated. Tilting the head and positioning the body in the right way is important in getting an easy flow from one nostril to the other. Drying the nostrils correctly takes a bit of practice but you soon know if this hasn’t worked properly as your nose will start dripping afterwards – not ideal when your trying to instruct a class! Getting the amount of salt and temperature of the water just right are essential. Anything that creates a stinging sensation in the nose means something is not right – It’s important to get expert guidance from an experienced practitioner of this technique to guide you initially until you are confident to continue on your own. Apart from helping to support our front line of defence (our nasal mucousa) it can alleviate symptoms of common colds and coughs, sinusitis, tonsillitis, adenoid inflammation, headache, insomnia, tiredness, migraines and can even help with anxiety and depression.

If your tired of using steroid based inhalers, suffer from mouth breathing or looking for more natural ways to optimise your health then book a one to one session with me. Its one of my favourite practices to introduce people to. From those looking to support their immune system and manage allergies the natural way to those wanting to explore the energetics of the Hatha Yoga system.

freer breathing with clean and clear nasal passaged
Breathe Easy

Give it a go - it is a super safe, easy to do, natural method of cleansing the nasal passages with many other positive health benefits.

Sometimes, the answers are right under our nose!

Aum shanti

Yoga to Thrive with Pure Yoga


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